Sunday, September 27, 2009


So much has come together for me in the last month or so. Not sure if it's the meditating along with the reading, the show.. my life back to where I want it to be as far as work is concerned. I'm guessing it is all of it. It's because it is what I want. Where I want it all to be.
Focusing on that, what I do want rather than what I don't.
Most of the summer, I was focused on just that.. what I DIDN'T want and that is exactly what I got.. more of what I didn't want.. It was the moving away from experience rather than the moving towards experience.
I want this.
Working with the assemblages has been such a blessing. They've all come together easily for the most part. Anything that didn't, I left to sit with awhile. It was when I pushed rather than went with the flow - that it didn't fall into place.
Sometimes I just walked away and worked on another piece until it some how clicked. Many times it was the rummaging throught stuff that the perfect piece was found and then the flow came back. Wonderful.
It's pretty much a lesson of life. Stop pushing, resisting, but rather focus on what it is you do want, focus on the end result or the feeling it would provoke instead.
and stop carrying other people's baggage!
Travel lightly.
If something is unclear, ask questions, even if it is to yourself.
Choosing to move towards that which brings me the greatest joy, the best feelings, towards that which feels full of love. Respond to the experience of each blessed moment.
Be in it.
Make Art and Have Fun.

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